Field Trip: Penang Botanic Gardens 2

Continuing on the botanic highlights of the Penang Botanic Gardens, we will be looking at the less poisonous, well-labelled, or highly outstanding species.

Pride of burma (Amherstia nobilis, Fabaceae). Endemic to Myanmar.

Cashew nut tree (Anacardium occidentale, Anacardiaceae)

Baccaurea sp. (Phyllanthaceae), unknown.

Easter lily vine (Beaumontia grandiflora, Apocynaceae). Endemic to Southern Asia,

Labelled as Bignonia magnifica (Bignoniaceae). Uncertain ID.

Turk's Turban (Clerodendrum cf. indicum, Lamiaceae). Native to Southern Asia.

Unknown Coffee (Coffea sp., Rubiaceae). Native to Africa.

Shower of orchid vine (Congea tomentosa, Verbenaceae). Native to Southeast Asia.

Cannon ball tree (Couroupita guianensis, Lecythidaceae). Native to South America.

Sacred garlic pear (Crateva religiosa, Capparaceae). Native to South Asia.

Queen sago 'palm' (Cycad rumphii, Cycadaceae). Native to Indonesia.

Bullock's Eyes (Firmiana malayana, Malvaceae). Native to Southeast Asia.

Wild hop (Flemingia strobilifera, Fabaceae). Native to Southeast Asia.

Membrillo (Gustavia superba, Lecythidaceae). Native to South America.

Siamese white Ixora (Ixora finlaysonia, Rubiaceae). Native to Thailand.

African sausage tree (Kigelia africana, Bignoniaceae). Native to Africa.

Penang Sloe (Kopsia arborea, Apocynaceae). Native to Southeast Asia.

Kopsia fructicosa, Apocynaceae. Native to Southeast Asia.

Japenese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica, Caprifoliaceae). Native to Japan.

Wild banana (Musa acuminata, Musaceae). Native to Southeast Asia.

Cardinal's guard (Pachystachys spicata, Acanthaceae). Native to South America.

Candle tree (Parmentiera cereifera, Bignoniaceae). Native to Panama.

Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa, Thymelaceae). Native to Southeast Asia

Frangipani (Plumeria horticulture cultivar, Apocynaceae). Native to tropical America.

Blue twilight (Pseuderanthemum andersonii, Acanthaceae). Native to Southeast Asia.

Rothmannia schoemannii, Rubiaceae. Native to Malaysia.

All right, that's all for now. Next time, we will explore the less conspicuous herbs, shrubs, Aroids and other interesting plants of the Penang Botanical Garden. Until then, see you around!
