Trade and Exchange

 Trade & Exchange

In this section, I am planning to offer stuff I showcased in this blog for trade and exchange, since it’s the ultimate way which benefits both parties. Stuff I mean by plants and animals (depending on availability), phytochemical isolates and/or reagents. However, considering what’s being traded, I certainly DO NOT want to see them being misused or mistreated. So here’s the rules if you wish to trade and/or exchange with me.  

1. You will have to reveal your true identity to the public in this blog, and declare that you will not misuse whatever that’s been traded with you. Besides, you are to agree that you will not sell, or give any third parties whatever that you’ve been traded. Failure to do so, and you will be openly blacklisted in this blog, never to trade with me again.


2. You will answer a few questions regarding the stuff you wish to trade/exchange to show that you are truly serious, knowledgeable, and worthy of having it. Your answers along with your identity will be permanently recorded in this blog. In a way, I take that as public engagement, and in the process you become a guest writer of my blog. You will tell people why you love plant chemistry just like me.


3. If you wish to purchase instead of exchange stuff with me. I will set an arbitrary price, with gets lower and lower, until nil according to your responses in 2. In the end, if I deem you are good enough for something, I won’t mind giving it away to you.


4. Highly hazardous materials including restricted chemical reagents, illicit drug precursors, and purified plant toxins will NOT be traded here.


Thus,  if you are interested, let me know what you wish to trade with me and we will see what to do.
